All the Girls that feel me say: OKAY...GO GIRL!!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Vampire : My Love

Writers can be so dramatic that it’s absolutely sickening, predictable, and quite frankly contrived.

So, I’m not going to talk about how he ripped my heart out of my chest. You wouldn’t believe me anyway if I said that he used my aorta as a straw to drink my blood. I won’t describe in detail the look of merriment on his face as he dug his fingers in my heart’s right and left atrium and tore it in half. He feasted on my bloody heart and was so turned on that as he attempted to swallow, the blood vessels got caught between his teeth, and he coughed up blood. MY blood. I don’t think you need to know that part.

The part that I didn’t tell anyone is that I had so much heart, that he couldn’t finish it all off. So, he held on to what was left of it.

But I will mention how I gave him a key chain that had “Dallas”, my city, on it. I hope you listen when I say that he warned me he could not keep it on his key ring because it was “too heavy”. It was a small forget me knot from ME. I guess he didn’t want to remember.

Spending time outside of the house and away from work at the movies, mall, or out to dinner was not a big priority because of our long work days and his money situation. Or at least that’s the impression he worked to give me.

The silence whenever I'm out of town. Not taking my calls and returning the call or text message days after I initiate contact. He lacks concern for me. There were a couple of times when I traveled for hours on the road alone, with not so much as a call to ask… “Did you make it safely”.

I should have stepped away from the situation completely when I visited his city over the summer.

We got so drunk that we ended up having amazing sex on the balcony and all over the hotel room.

The next morning he left early because he had to go to work and I awoke with a hang over you would not believe. So, I missed my flight. I texted him and I called him and he never responded until the following day when I left a very firm voice message on his machine.

Please don’t pass judgment because I am not sadistic. I do not in any way suffer from low self esteem. I was having a great time and I did not realize that my heart was exposed. This is why it has taken me this long to see that all of those situations that occurred were attacks on my heart.

It is only now, that I understand that before he snatched my heart from my body, he had already eroded pieces of it away.

It’s just that when he gives me this hypnotizing look, I feel so helpless. I go from being Cruise Control to a trapped mouse that’s fighting for her life. Desperately, trying not to show how weak I am.

And every time I tell myself it’s over, it’s one more time I am attempting to believe it. At this point, I am heartless. As you can see from above, he still has what’s left of my heart.


  • At 3:56 AM, December 15, 2009, Blogger Katie said…

    first, thank you for the comment. it surprises me when i find people actually read my blog. ha.

    second, i am absolutely drawn to your honesty. i love it! and i envy how brave you are to just pack up and travel.

    great blog you've got going on!


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