All the Girls that feel me say: OKAY...GO GIRL!!!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

I'm Tired of Playing Games!..But you have to

It's so funny because I don't know that I have met a woman
that has not at some point said, "I'm tired of playing games".
I've even caught a few men uttering the same notion, "Ladies, No
games, PLEASE!". People...this is not realistic!!!

Let's first discuss this on a scientific level.
I want to take this back to Sir Issacc Newton's
laws of Gravity and Motion.

We all should come to expect times of ups
and downs in our relationships. There will
be moments of bliss and happiness. There will
be moments of anger and sadness. These are the
positive and negative forces that are always in motion.

As it pertains to Gravity: Newton's law says- what
goes up must come down. In other words, it's 2005
and your relationship is on the up &up, chances are in 2006,
he will PISS.. YOU... OFF. This is not necessarily bad, but it
should just be expected. This law also tells us that as
distance increases, gravity decreases. That means
that the farther mentally and emotionally you are
from your partner, your desire to play games decreases
because YOU... just... DON'T... care.

Newton's law of motion states - that every
ACTION has a REACTION. So if you FEEL your man
or woman is playing games, (whether it is true or not), then
you are more likely to play games as well.
You can't help how you FEEL. That's
not to say that playing games is right or wrong,
it's just your REACTION.

So, if your man looses his mind and acts
a damn fool with you,...then you need to
REACT in a BIG 'ole way. So that he won't
forget it. (Note: Not returning your
calls, not accepting your calls,
turning his cell phone off,
lying, trying to make you jealous,
are just a few examples of
your man, loosing his mind and
acting a damn fool) There needs to be a

You need to have a balance. Just like
in chess, you make a move, your
opponent makes a move. Unless
there is a power play where you are
allowed to make more than one move.

I do know that if you are always REACTING to
what he's doing, then you loose. Just like in sports,
if you are always on the defense, then you will never win.
It is okay to play games so long as it is not hurtful, but thought
provoking and progressive.

The minute we as women began to recognized
that we should expect the games, that's the
minute we can begin to play.

Please do not get caught off guard and think,
he is sooooo nice. He is not like the rest of
them who play games. Yes he is! He is
exactly like the rest of them.
And if you don't realize it, then YOU...

I know some of you Ladies are probably wondering, Cruise Control, why do you care so much? If I choose not to play games with my man, then that is my choice.

News Flash!!!!! This is not your choice anymore. We as women need to stick together on this one.

I care because me and my friends are tired of dealing with these men who have lost their damn mind and they want to act a damn fool.

We are tired of cleaning up the bullshit that some of you didn't touch, saying the things that some of you should have said, and most importantly, putting him in the place he should have been in all along.

We have taken the high road for too long.
Fuck it!!! Let's just play.


  • At 11:58 PM, September 25, 2009, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Two entries from you were just not enough. Very talented writer imho. How come you never posted anymore? Maybe you were just too busy playing the same old games with all the men in your life. No should try this again.


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